Regular event "Utsurawa-ba".
It's on 17th,Sep.!
Collaboration of vessels, sounds, and ikebana.
Master of the ceramicware shop"Utsuwa Kenshin"
Mr.Kenshin SATO choice the ceramicware artist, and
I do ikebana with the vessels of the artist,
and Koyu plays sounds.
Trilogy of vessels,flowers,and sounds.
Come and feel our trilogy!!
This month,
vessels: "Public offering"!!
You can bring your own vessel
for usage in the live.
Join us!!
※We use vessels with using water & plants,
so Please note that it may cause some contamination on vessels.
And in case so many vessels gathered,we select some to use.*
After each live time,
IMAI So-sen provide workshop "ikebana with vessels for daily usage"
(no additional fee except entrance fee.)
ーーーTrilogy of vessels, flowers, and sound----
17th,Sep.(Sat.) open:18:00
(2set/You can see both w/1time entrance fee.each set;apx:30min)
Fee: 2000yen with 1drink.
Ask; Utsuwa-Kenshin
Do-ho-shu(menas crew sharing same "ba"(=place)):
Vessels: Public offering!
Flower: So-sen IMAI/ Ryusei-ha
Cafe & Bar brim
Star Bldg.1F/2-3-4 Shibuya/Shibuya-ku
IMAI So-sen/Ryusei-ha (ikebana)
Ikebana Ryusei-ha Master.
Collabolation on exhibition "Tokyo Hizokko Kaigi"(with DJ: SHINGO/3LDK),
"Double Cast" (with IWAI Masaru/SURVIVART),
Installation exhibition with KAWAI Makito(ceramic work),
and more.
Not only making up ikebana pieces,
but also doing performance, or collaboration work.
"Heaven artist" Licence holder.(issued for Street performer by MET.)
koyu (bass)
Electric bass player.
Having basis onblack music(as african, and blues),
Playing Free music,Jazz,Cuban music,and so on.
With 5strings bass(added High C string),
investigating guitar-like playing style.
After Graduate from Berklee college of music,
had played in Chicago.
Now,have moved hoothold to Tokyo.
Many oversee lives.
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